The Athlete

dare to win

Overcome the impossible, touch excellence and reach the performance you were meant for

For the one committed to tap into their highest potential. 

You already know what success feels like. You’ve proven to yourself more than once that you are capable of excellence.

Your work ethic is on point, your commmitment is polished, your big visions are clear and you have the warm heart of a lion.

You know you can rely on your leadership, passion and power of focus to move mountains.

You’ve done it many times.


And yet,

you feel you are holding back from tapping into your full potential, because something is blocking you and you can’t figure out, what it is.

That extra bit of personal power that can bring you to the heights you dream about is still not unleashed, because you are afraid you will be judged or disliked if you shine too brightly.

You are not yet at the next level of excellence, because you realize the strategies and hard work that have helped you get to your current success are not working here and you don’t know how to upgrade.

Getting from great to extraordinary demands the next level of self-trust and ability to be unapologetic that you feel are not yet there.

When pursuing the impossible, the noise of expectations and opinions around you are still coming through, lowering your energy level.

You know in your gut that you are made for bigger things, but whatever you do, you are not aligned with your highest potential yet.

This story can change here. 

The moment you are ready to step into the level of personal power and high-performance that you know you are capable of, is the moment you hire me. 

Hi, I’m Larisa.

I help entrepreneurs, visionaries, leaders, athletes


  • tap into their full potential and reach the impossible


  • touch excellence and master their mindset to win


  • achieve high-performance


  • align with their deepest visions and authenticity.

My background

With the experience of 8+ years as a coach and healer, over 100 facilitated classes and events in person and online, having worked with hundreds of people with different cultural backgrounds, I’ve build the expertise to create and hold powerful transformational spaces and read the human potential and unlock limitations fast.

My background education with a Master’s degree in architecture, ThetaHealing® Master and Certificate of Science, my approach to helping you step into your full potential is a unique and multidimensional mix of working with the subconcious mind, energetics, parts work and identity. 

Having helped people to transcend business blocks, find their passions and zone of genius, heal their body and overcome scarcity patterns, I had the chance to look deeply into the human mind and understand how transformation works and what its key elements are.

Awaken to your full


Working together means: 

  • you feel empowered and capable to overcome any obstacle
  • you feel stronger than ever in your winning mindset
  • you are flying, reaching heights in your performance like never before
  • you feel the expansion, the speed and the power of your creative energy in your 3D reality
  • you feel alive more than ever and your personal power and genius can shine unhindered 
  • your self leadership is so strong that you can now allow yourself to tap into your highest potential without fear
  • you trust yourself to commit to results that seem impossible to the outside and know you will reach them
  • you are unshakeable in your truth and self-loyalty
  • you reach excellence through flow and alignment
  • you feel closer than ever to your authentic self, being who you always wanted to be, not holding back, not dimming your light anymore
  • you are free of what others expect or project on you and of the limitations of the past
  • you dare to live your desired reality unapologetically

What people I’ve worked with are saying:


Client Love

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the past weeks! It’s difficult to describe exactly how [this space] the has been for me, as it has addressed so many levels and set so much in motion within me. It has been magical, transformative, challenging, and at the same time so grounding, empowering, and has brought me a step further towards myself and how I want to shape my business.

I have realized that I can give myself unrestricted permission to shape things as they are right for me. […] That I can acknowledge that I make a difference in this world. That I can be disruptive, uncomfortable, and challenging, so that others can recognize their own truth. That I can speak my truth, even if everyone else in the room sees things differently. That I can give my emotions space – and how incredibly healing it is to do so.

I can see myself more and more as a leader, and that is an unbelievable shift for me. I no longer doubt that with my business I will simultaneously move great things and create the lifestyle that makes me shine. […]

Thank you for holding the space for us, which has made all of this possible. Thank you for the pure love with which you approached all the issues that arose. Throughout your guidance, I felt so secure to try things out, to go through some deep pain, and to see what happens, because I knew there was a place to turn to and an anchor point if I got stuck.

Lina E. – Life Coach

Larisa has a deep penetrating wisdom and intuition. She is incredibly insightful and gently guides you to release deep blocks. It is her energy and her wealth of beingness that makes the shift so effortlessly. If you are willing, her work will bring you change in your life.

Natasha R. – Entrepreneur and Business Investor

I wanted to personally thank you from the bottom of my heart once again. […] You are such a great gift, and I am infinitely grateful that you accompany me on my journey with so much love and commitment. Since I’ve known you, I feel like I’ve learned more about myself and my life than ever before. I am completely fulfilled by your devotion and the strength with which you accompany us with so much dignity and perseverance. I am simply grateful to have followed this impulse a year ago and to have signed up. What a magical journey!!!

Kathrin T.

Working with you feels like wellness for the soul. With ease, you find the origin of deeply rooted beliefs to transform them. I feel so much better after our encounters because you help my energy flow again. You are always doing your work with enthusiasm and joy. Thank you so much for being there. I can recommend you wholeheartedly.

Claudia M. – Healer

Since I’ve been in contact with Larisa, my life has transformed 180 degrees. I’ve become a person who has regained their trust. Through the program, I’ve gained clarity about my target audience and my genius zone, both things I’ve been searching for for a long time, but couldn’t find with my rational mind.

The most valuable insight was how to build my business from the heart on an energetic and spiritual level, and no longer burn out from too many unnecessary steps that come from the mind.

At the end of the program, I launched my own first coaching program and earned my first three thousand euros with it, which is a huge success for me, as at the beginning of the program I never thought I could set something up so quickly and relaxed and also easily attract customers.

Larisa has become a mentor of the heart for me and I can only recommend EVERYONE to work with her! An investment in oneself with her guidance ALWAYS pays off many times over!


Lena P.

I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. For guiding me with your warm and heartfelt manner up to this point.

Over the past few months, I have already learned so much about myself and experienced so many positive changes within myself and my life. I get to experience what it’s like to believe in oneself again. To tap into one’s own strength and to be able to take steps with ease that would have been UNTHINKABLE before. To make a difference. To rediscover my faith […]. In a healthy and enriching way, based solely on love.

What particularly touches me about your way and enables me to continue on this path and to stick with it is the joy. The joy and lightness that you radiate and remind us of time and time again. […] For that, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart!! 

Jasmin M.

Dare to win and claim the level of excellence and success you know you are meant for

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