Soft Woman

moon ceremonies

Let your inner woman bloom into her full radiance. 

ReConnect with your feminine energy, receive wisdom and practices around womanhood, flow with the power of your cyclical nature and experience the healing touch of women gathering in love.

not available at the moment

bathe in the beauty of your feminine


Our stories are medicine.

Come, share your story with us, listen to other women’s stories and let their medicine heal your body, mind and spirit. Come, remember the rhythm and magic of your feminine nature and watch HER thrive.

Ancient wisdom, deep spirituality and science come together in this space bringing women’s health, power of expression and potential into their true radiance.

Enjoy a space, where you can ask all the questions you ever wanted to ask, but were afraid to, where you feel safe to be deeply vulnerable, to truly open and let yourself be seen, where you can reclaim your true power and be witnessed with love by other women while you grow, expand and become the woman you always knew you were meant to be

Win back your lost, wild parts, your instinct, your fierceness, rawness and vibrant creativity. Become radiant, vital, stand in your strength and beauty and speak your truth with an open heart

Receive all the knowledge and blessings your female ancestors were not able to give you and didn’t have access to. 

Womanhood is magic! 

Here is what awaits you in Soft Woman:

libertating your inner wild woman

opening your sexuality


strengthening the connection to your body and deepening your intimacy with it

self-love practices

strengthening the intuition and your natural instinct

learn ancient techniques to support your beauty and health

lastest science about women’s health

getting to know the energetic portals of your body and how to use their power in your everyday life

deep conversations around your cycle, hormones, natural birth control, orgasms

finding and honouring your unique, healthy, inner rhythm

awaken your magnetic and sensual being

expand your heart space, remember ancient wisdom 

learn about and explore the power of your cervix and womb

understand how stress affects you and how the nervous system works

feel that the power over your health, your body and your pleasure are in your own hand

lead your life honouring your femininity and discover new heights of harmony, fulfillment and potential


Client Love

For me, the Soft Woman ceremony means delving into a deep connection with myself and with all other women and healing. Through the ceremonies, I have regained more trust in my femininity and the feeling of truly being loved for who I am. I recommend every woman to participate in these ceremonies to explore themselves more deeply, to heal and to experience the power of connection among women.

Thank you for everything you are and have given me so far. I have already learned so much from you, and you are simply a great role model for me.


These gatherings are for me a familiar togetherness, as I remember them from very loving past lives. It’s a piece of home, an opportunity to share, be heard and seen with one’s whole being. A time of heart opening and lovingly experiencing our femininity.

I have received many things/energies that I can’t even name them all. A lot of love and tenderness. Being held and feeling safe. Healing through the stories of other women. […]

It’s wonderful to be here together online and every woman is allowed to show herself with all her wounds and feelings, just as she is! Although only a few know each other, we are familiar. It is a very valuable time for me, which I treat myself to twice a month, taking a mom-break to recharge.

Thank you, dear Larisa, for your wonderful, healing women’s circle! You are amazing!


The ceremonies mean a lot to me. I can feel my body more again. The massage with so many women live on camera was brilliant; I wouldn’t have ever seen myself doing that and I have never experienced something like that before. During every ceremony, I come closer to myself. Forgotten parts come back. For example, I have learned to hug myself and support myself again. I highly recommend it to other women.


For me, the ceremonies are a break, in the sense of stepping into my inner rhythm. This feels very familiar, as “my actual time.” Through this, I have received the impulse to engage more deeply with a different calendar/rhythm from deep within myself. I would like to recommend it, because I perceive these ceremonies as a significant enrichment in the realm of self-love/womanhood and you do it so lovingly in your incomparable way. Thank you.


What the ceremony means to me… I can hardly put it into words. It’s such anticipation every time, even more than as a child at Christmas. It’s so beautiful to feel together without having to be something. It’s magic, wonders with lots and lots of glitter dust. I am so grateful to you for providing this space.


The gathering

We meet every month at the new moon and full moon, regardless of the day of the week, to strengthen our natural rhythm and reclaim the wildness that has been lost in our world.

Each month has a theme. Expect singing, journaling, embodiment practices, sharing and prayer.

Space for silence and tranquility in the magical vibration of compassion will be always available.


January’s theme: the nervous system

– learn to expand your resilience, your flow and arrive fully in your body – the nervous system is the beginning of our feminine blooming


February’s theme: living and speaking your truth

– learn to speak your truth with confidence, make hard decisions with love and believe in the wisdom of your heart so you can grow to the next level of empowered femininity

not available at the moment

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