Mini masterclass on healing

Everything is interconnected and everything is frequency.

Health is a certain frequency.
Disease is a certain frequency.
(When I say disease I mean everything that is making us feel misaligned, not just physical illness.)

If we want to heal, be it physical health, mental health, relationship health, financial health etc., we need to shift the frequency from disease to health.

This is simple, but it doesn’t always mean it is easy.



Although the more we can surrender to Source’s or God’s love with faith the easier and quicker it is.

Let’s have a look at this with a complex example.

A client asked me if it’s possible that someone dear to them has foreign entities in their energy field that makes them behave a certain way.

I looked at the energy field and saw that it has holes in it, which allows other entities to enter it and affect this person.
To the outside, this might express as a physical or mental disease.

How can this person heal?

We have many ways here. Let’s explore them together.

On the root level it’s all about frequency. There is a frequency that creates the holes in the energy field and that frequency needs to be shifted.

One way to do that is to work with someone who is good at energy work, who can understand why the holes are there and change the root cause with direct energetic work. Which is one of my favourite ways of healing. (like the way ThetaHealing works)

This can imply shifting belief systems or low frequency emotions that might be there from this life, past lives, genetics etc. It might also imply working with the entities to see why they are there, clearing them and then closing the energy field.

But let’s look at another way that will help us understand frequency and healing in a more complex and spherical way.

Another way to shift that same frequency that creates the holes in the field might imply working with the chemistry of the body (which is also just frequency in another form! The reason our chemistry is a certain way is also because of the frequencies we “carry”).

These holes have an energetic reason why they are there that will also have an equivalent in the physical body. An example of this are heavy metals.

Some heavy metals that are too dense in our bodies can create holes in our energy fields and attract foreign entities that vibrate on that level. This could for example be a cause for schizophrenia or other diseases.

That means another way of healing here is working with eliminating the heavy metals directly from the body. That will shift the frequency of the body so the energy field of the person can close and heal.

This can happen through elements that have the necessary frequency to eliminate the heavy metals, like some foods, herbs, minerals. Examples of these are chlorella, cilantro, magnesium etc. They vibrate at a frequency that cannot keep the heavy metals, so these get eliminated. This path is often used by herbalists and naturopaths. It usually takes longer to heal this way than through the first path. If our faith is strong the first path can even lead to spontaneous healing.

A cool thing here is that we can combine both ways, work energetically and also through plants, minerals and foods. (which, as you now know, is also energetically, just in a differently perceivable form, more palpable)

Let’s go even deeper.

Why would someone have heavy metals in the first place? Of course these might come from food, the environment etc. But then, why do for example siblings who live in the same place and are exposed to the same environments feel different and have a different level of health? One might have heavy metals and the other one not.


Something in the frequency of the one has to allow them in, while the frequency of the other doesn’t allow the energy of heavy metals to stick.

I’m going to give an example of how this might happen. Heavy metals can be absorbed by the same receptors in the cells as minerals like for example magnesium or calcium. In one person, the receptor accepts a heavy metal in the other person it doesn’t.

What makes the difference?

To know this, we need to understand the frequency of minerals. The energetic frequency of minerals is that of SUPPORT. If our cells are good at accepting and absorbing good minerals it means we are also good at accepting support and feeling supported by life, people, God etc. If that energy is stable in us, our bodies might not accept heavy metals even when we are exposed to them.

Back to the example with the siblings, this would mean one of them is not as good at receiving support or feeling held by life as the other. This might come from an experience they had in this life, a past life, inherited from an ancestor (yes, in the same family it is possible for someone to inherit something and for someone else to not inherit that thing) etc.

All of this means that working on feeling supported COULD be the healing factor for the holes in the aura of someone to be able to close. 

Do you feel the spherical way of looking at things like this? Do you see the multidimensional quality of looking at life and ourselves like this?

These are just examples, not rules. There could be many more reasons why someone might have holes in their aura, just like someone might have heavy metals in their body and not have holes in the aura, but other problems.

It is all frequency and energy.

Healing is playing with the different forms of frequency we have at hand to shift the energies that create disease and move to health.

One main condition here is to never let God/Source out of the equation. Everything is possible through God, through our faith.


If you feel called, you can work with me to heal on the mind, body and spirit level here

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