Time bend: spontaneous healing II I worked with my client on his back pain. It was crystal clear where we needed to look. When we went there to release the heavy and stuck energies, I knew he will feel the pain a bit more intense for a moment. Sometimes that happens...
Mini masterclass on healing Everything is interconnected and everything is frequency. Health is a certain frequency.Disease is a certain frequency.(When I say disease I mean everything that is making us feel misaligned, not just physical illness.) If we want to heal,...
Time bend: spontaneous healing My client went from months of physiotherapy for her injured vertebrae that blocked her arm movement to instant healing during a 40 min session together. Here’s why that could happen: Frequency. We created a time and space bend. ...
How I lost my power and got it back There are thousands of moments in this human life that could cause us to lose our power. The secret to winning at life is to not let that happen and to keep coming back to it. Today I’m sharing with you a moment, where I lost...
Courage over comfort Moving toward expansive spaces is necessary for growth. When we stop entering spaces that expand us, we stop growing. The moment we have to activate even a bit more courage, than what we are used to, is the moment we open new horizons for us....
What is determining your future? Are past disappointments determining your future? A heart that carries disappointment can cover up even the biggest and shiniest genius. When there is hidden disappointment in our hearts, it is hard to believe and have faith.It’s...